Sunday, January 16, 2005

"Marry Christmas" Posted by Hello


Well, life seems bit into comfort zone and it brings new ideas. This summer after the financial results I am planning for a seven days vacation in a mini bus with all of us. Mom, dad, bhaiya, bhabhi, meenu, miteshji, myself, pins and all the kids and ofcourse "Dhaji" too. Let's see how it all turns up.


Got the glimpses of this much hyped movie in this three days break of "Makr Sakranti", those of you who are not aware of this festival then in simple terms it is called "Kite Festival". Anyway the movie is good and very simple approach if seen with no prejudices and hopes you surely gonna like it afterall its by oscar nominated director. Writing after a long gap, actually not comfortable with the setting of blogger, lets see when i get comfortable.