1. I am a bloody “Hindi Mediumite” as my mates used to call me; I still can’t grasp an English Song or a Movie so easily.
2. What I like most about myself is my self belief against all odds.
3. I am draping ladies worldwide in Ethnic Indian Wear; I never thought or planned of this.
4. I am not a religious person, but I am a strong devotee of Lord Venkateshwara of TIRUPATI.
5. I have not visited a saloon in past 6 years; I tonsure my head at Tirupati every six month.
6. One of my best experiences of life was when I was taken to an old graveyard in the dark midnight by my Guru to get rid of my fears of Unknown. Thanks Tudu.
7. Thing I don’t like about myself is that I can not last impression in first meeting.
8. I have a very faint memory of my childhood when I was bitten by a snake; I can still visualize a very faint picture of it, though I was a toddler then. My doc says it’s unusual.
9. Sometime I feel like to Quit India, but it’s only sometime.
10. I love tennis, more than cricket.
11. I am a movie buff; I made a short but complete movie titled “How to wear a saree”. I made it for my clients though it was an amateur attempt but I am proud of it.
12. I’ve been interviewed few months back by some unknown podcasting website; I gave it just to get a feel of being interviewed.
13. I am a designer by accident; I myself am very badly dressed person.
14. I am a workaholic; I work almost 18 hours a day.
15. I am completely a foodie, love good cuisines and sometime loves cooking too.
16. One thing I really miss is travelling. I just love going places unheard and unexplored but this routine life seldom gives me chance. I am soon backpacking for a LEH trip on a bike.
17. I have this new passion of collecting DVD’s and my proud possessions are Malgudi Days and Swami. I have almost 100 DVD’s in my collection of different genre.
18. My favorite quote: Every morning deep in Africa a gazelle wakes up, it knows it must run faster than the fastest lion otherwise it would be killed to death. Every morning deep in Africa a lion wakes up, it knows it must outrun the slowest of the gazelle otherwise it would be starved to death. So it doesn’t matter weather you are a gazelle or a lion, the bottom-line is when sun comes up better be running.
19. I don’t believe in astrology, it is for faint hearted people. Sometime I feel, maybe its the otherway round, a non believer of astrology can be a faint hearted.
20. I am strongly influenced by my grandfather; he was a Gandhian and was a true social reformist. He once brought a Child Widow to our home and gave her a room to live until he got her remarried, I was a kid then but now I realize how courageous he was.
21. My wife is the most beautiful and blessed thing happened to me. She is a true Soul mate, incidentally I was reading “The Bridge Across Forever” when I got engaged and I knew she was the one, it was an arranged marriage and I said “Yes” without even meeting her.
22. My long cherished dream is of Bungee Jumping.
23. I feel, I am not a very strong willed person. I am indecisive sometime and I always remember one of my teachers word “Don’t say Yes when you want to say No” after uttering Yes for a No.
24. Another dream is to own a BEETLE car. I don’t know but I love to have one.
25. I am overall a good fellow at heart and it took me almost 3 days to come to complete this list. It’s not an impromptu attempt.
2. What I like most about myself is my self belief against all odds.
3. I am draping ladies worldwide in Ethnic Indian Wear; I never thought or planned of this.
4. I am not a religious person, but I am a strong devotee of Lord Venkateshwara of TIRUPATI.
5. I have not visited a saloon in past 6 years; I tonsure my head at Tirupati every six month.
6. One of my best experiences of life was when I was taken to an old graveyard in the dark midnight by my Guru to get rid of my fears of Unknown. Thanks Tudu.
7. Thing I don’t like about myself is that I can not last impression in first meeting.
8. I have a very faint memory of my childhood when I was bitten by a snake; I can still visualize a very faint picture of it, though I was a toddler then. My doc says it’s unusual.
9. Sometime I feel like to Quit India, but it’s only sometime.
10. I love tennis, more than cricket.
11. I am a movie buff; I made a short but complete movie titled “How to wear a saree”. I made it for my clients though it was an amateur attempt but I am proud of it.
12. I’ve been interviewed few months back by some unknown podcasting website; I gave it just to get a feel of being interviewed.
13. I am a designer by accident; I myself am very badly dressed person.
14. I am a workaholic; I work almost 18 hours a day.
15. I am completely a foodie, love good cuisines and sometime loves cooking too.
16. One thing I really miss is travelling. I just love going places unheard and unexplored but this routine life seldom gives me chance. I am soon backpacking for a LEH trip on a bike.
17. I have this new passion of collecting DVD’s and my proud possessions are Malgudi Days and Swami. I have almost 100 DVD’s in my collection of different genre.
18. My favorite quote: Every morning deep in Africa a gazelle wakes up, it knows it must run faster than the fastest lion otherwise it would be killed to death. Every morning deep in Africa a lion wakes up, it knows it must outrun the slowest of the gazelle otherwise it would be starved to death. So it doesn’t matter weather you are a gazelle or a lion, the bottom-line is when sun comes up better be running.
19. I don’t believe in astrology, it is for faint hearted people. Sometime I feel, maybe its the otherway round, a non believer of astrology can be a faint hearted.
20. I am strongly influenced by my grandfather; he was a Gandhian and was a true social reformist. He once brought a Child Widow to our home and gave her a room to live until he got her remarried, I was a kid then but now I realize how courageous he was.
21. My wife is the most beautiful and blessed thing happened to me. She is a true Soul mate, incidentally I was reading “The Bridge Across Forever” when I got engaged and I knew she was the one, it was an arranged marriage and I said “Yes” without even meeting her.
22. My long cherished dream is of Bungee Jumping.
23. I feel, I am not a very strong willed person. I am indecisive sometime and I always remember one of my teachers word “Don’t say Yes when you want to say No” after uttering Yes for a No.
24. Another dream is to own a BEETLE car. I don’t know but I love to have one.
25. I am overall a good fellow at heart and it took me almost 3 days to come to complete this list. It’s not an impromptu attempt.
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