"Quit India" I first came across in my history books while in school. Then second thought came acroos reading this magazine, I shrug it off as I love my country. Once somewhere in his album the music god "Rehman" said "do not accept CHALTA HAI attitude, fight for your right". Then came RDB [Rang De Basanti], my other god "Aamir" said let's change it our way.
I was totally overwhelmed, but somewhere deep in my heart I am really being overpowered by a mere thought "QUIT INDIA", here is yet another reason:
Yesterday my wife called me up on my mobile and informed me that the post man was there and had informed that there is a big parcel for us and since it is heavy he will not deliver it and I will have to collect it from post office for myself. I thought "Chalta hai" and went all the way [20 Kms far] to post office, after explaining to five peoples, I was sent to "saab". He informed me very calmly "Come tommorow", I said, sir I travelled 20 Kms to collect it so please deliver it today. He looked at me and said we have staff problem and there is no one to find out where your parcel is so come tommorow. Post office premices was not too big, I noticed my big parcel lying there. I requested once again to tobbacco chewing "Saab" pointing to my parcel, he said so what, but there is no one to deliver it to you. I explained, I will pick it up and give me the signing slip and will do the formalities. Here one other fellow, barked "Saab has already told you to come tommorow, so why you are arguing". Two of the staff were sitting outside, killing time. I came out and explained them, one of them laughed and told me "Saab is in good mood, thats why he told you to come tommorow otherwise it takes a week time". I was feeling weak, I came back home. Next day I again travelled back to post office, After few usual hassles the parcel was given to me. Here I thought about RDB and my god "Aamir" and thought about "let's change it our way". After taking delivery of the parcel, I getly asked for the complain book. "Saab" stared for few moment and gave me nod and said "yeah, we do have one". He forwarded it towards me and offered me a pen and said "See young man, here is the complain book and you are free to lodge anything you want but remember now onward you may miss many of your mails and many may get lost in transit, and many may not reach you at all. We will not be responsible for anything". The words were so gentle but had a threat in it, I thought for a second and got his point. I dropped the idea of lodging a complain, and gave back the pen and book to "Saab". On my way back I heard them Laughing "Saal, shikayat karega."
Dear GOD, the thought of QUIT INDIA is over powering my inner love towards my motherland. Lets see how may days, weeks, months, years I can resist myself.
hi...thanks for ur comments on my blog!! well..this blog on "quit india" is very true...kind of highlights how sloppy our govt employees could be and when we point out their mistakes they don even have the mental maturity to accept it!! well knitted thoughts!!
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